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A case for NOT using Dependency Injection <gasp!>

DI is certainly a powerful design pattern. However not all projects are created equal, and the "right tool for the job" always applies. I've found one case for not using Dependency Injection.

A simple .NET Core WebAPI DB connection string configuration

Typical .NET Core WebAPI apps heavily rely on dependency injection. For my simple WebAPI, this made DB connection strings more complicated than I preferred. Here's my solution.

Where was [CallerArgumentExpression] when I needed it?

CallerArgumentExpressionAttribute can be used within functions to determine the original variable name of passed in arguments...would have been nice to have in .NET Framework 4!

The if-cast-null-check feature for C#

I can't recall how many times I cast an object then checked for null on it prior to use. This feature would have been handy all these years!


Gracefully handle null numerals with GetValueOrDefault()

When dealing with nullable numerals, GetValueOrDefault() can simplify code a bit.

ASP.NET Core WebApi - Basic Authentication

Demonstrates adding basic authentication to an ASP.NET Core WebApi project.

ASP.NET Core WebApi Json serialize as PascalCase

The default implementation of ASP.NET Core WebAPI serialization is camalCase. This creates a problem when trying to deserialize PascalCase based names. Here's the fix.

String Compression

With incredibly fast processing speeds today, it's worth taking a small bit of processing time to compress & decompress large text. Obviously this can reduce storage space, but most importantly improves bandwidth. It's also rather easy to do.

Null-Coalescing Assignment

Pretty simple: userRepository ??= new DefaultUserRepository();

Xamarin: async calls to DisplayAlert

Calls to Xamarin's DisplayAlert are async. Calling await requires the calling function's signature to be async. Click event handlers are looking for non-async functions. Here's the work-around.

C# 9 Favorites

C# 9 came out in 2020. Here are some of my favorite additions (and a few not-so-favorites).

C# Functions - Returning multiple values with Tuple Literals

There are times when we need to return multiple values from a function. C#7 has a better way: Tuple types and Tuple literals

  • C#/.NET
  • T-SQL
  • JavaScript/jQuery
  • .NET 8
  • Xamarin/MAUI
  • WPF
  • Windows 11
  • SQL Server 20xx
  • Android
  • XBox
  • Arduino
  • Skiing
  • Rock Climbing
  • White water kayaking
  • Road Biking