The "What's New in EF Core 8" Microsoft documentation here says the following:
EF7 introduced raw SQL queries returning scalar types. This is enhanced in EF8 to include raw SQL queries returning any mappable CLR type, without including that type in the EF model.
Seeing this, I decided to give it a try in my Quid app in order to simplify my sproc calls. This turns out to be a nice feature; something I'll probably use for all sproc calls going forward.
The sproc
I started with a simple example, my usp_GetFavorites
sproc which takes a BankAccountId and returns the favorite Envelopes, which includes only these fields: EnvelopeId, Name, Total
The (new) .NET code to call it
The first simple step: Create a record
which holds the exact values the sproc returns:
record GetFavoritesResult(int EnvelopeId, string Name, decimal Total);
Next in the code where I call the sproc with the EF DB context, I simply put:
context.Database.OpenConnection(); var qryResult = context.Database .SqlQuery<GetFavoritesResult> ($"exec dbo.usp_GetFavorites {bankAccountId}") .ToList(); // Now iterate through qryResult, a list of GetFavoritesResult's
That's all. No need to do any mapping in the EF model, or mapping a return call using DbCommand.ExecuteReader()
, followed by reader.GetValue
calls. If I change the return values of the sproc, I simply update the GetFavoritesResult
That's about as easy as it gets!