Programming on the Microsoft .NET stack with C#.


Azure DevOps - Deployments using a Publish Profile (*.pubxml)

If you already have working .pubxml files (deployed in Visual Studio), it's easy to migrate these to Azure DevOps pipelines.

Simplified Sproc Calls with EF8

EF8 allows for raw SQL queries return mapped to CLR type, without including them type in the EF model. This make sproc call easier.

Sending Authentication Cookies in a WPF app

WPF applications which simulate HTTP traffic at times need to handle cookie-based authentication. This is a quick recipe for cookie passing.

LINQ's let keyword

LINQ comes in two flavors: Query Syntax and Method Syntax. The let keyword in Query Syntax helps keep code more readable.

Quick question: The difference between an int and a struct?

Click for the answer.

Dictionary.GetValueOrDefault - Wish I had that sooner...

In C#, I've always wished the Dictionary Indexer would simple return null if a key doesn't exist. The GetValueOrDefault extension is a good alternative.

C# 10 Favorites

A few of my favorite C# 10 additions

Your most important Xamarin Converter: InverseBoolConverter

Almost every Xamarin (and soon MAUI) app will need to display two different Elements (Label, StackLayout, etc...) based on a single bool property. Two ways to implement this are presented. InverseBoolConverter is preferred.

Find vs FirstOrDefault

The .Find() and .FirstOrDefault() functions behave similarly. What's the difference?

A case for NOT using Dependency Injection <gasp!>

DI is certainly a powerful design pattern. However not all projects are created equal, and the "right tool for the job" always applies. I've found one case for not using Dependency Injection.

A simple .NET Core WebAPI DB connection string configuration

Typical .NET Core WebAPI apps heavily rely on dependency injection. For my simple WebAPI, this made DB connection strings more complicated than I preferred. Here's my solution.

Where was [CallerArgumentExpression] when I needed it?

CallerArgumentExpressionAttribute can be used within functions to determine the original variable name of passed in arguments...would have been nice to have in .NET Framework 4!
(See all articles...)

  • C#/.NET
  • T-SQL
  • JavaScript/jQuery
  • .NET 8
  • Xamarin/MAUI
  • WPF
  • Windows 11
  • SQL Server 20xx
  • Android
  • XBox
  • Arduino
  • Skiing
  • Rock Climbing
  • White water kayaking
  • Road Biking